Sunday, 20 April 2014

Trip to Scotland

So this bank holiday (Good Friday) me and James decided to visit Edinburgh zoo, this was a pulse decision decided the day before! Once we had booked the tickets we boarded the train the next day at 9am to make the two hour journey to the beautiful city. Please note, that on the train me and James were starstruck to be spending our journey with comedian Jack Whitehall, although we didn't dare speak to him we took a few sneaky photos. 

We spent the majority of the day at the zoo looking at the beautiful animals, many of which were hiding in their enclosures due to the extremely hot weather! (Scotland has declared summer, if only England had!) Please understand that I am a major animal freak and ensured that I saw every animal, and read each of the information boards thoroughly! 

It is currently the time of year for penguins to start laying their eggs.
 Here is a male penguin incubating the egg. 

Look at this little cutie fast asleep.
Sun Bear.

Such a poser! 
 I honestly find it amazing how close we can get to animals, allowing us to view their beauty for ourselves. Edinburgh zoo also has two amazing 'walk-through' sections where visitors can walk through the animals environment whilst the animals are roaming freely. The first of these is an exotic birds sections, and the second being a monkey walk through.  

Following this we got back on the bus and travelled back to Edinburgh town centre to have a nice walk around the beautiful Princes Street. 

This is where things got a little (or a lot) crazy!! With me being a massive McFly fan I found out that they were playing at the SSE Hydro Arena in Glasgow that night! Therefore we decided at 6pm we wanted to go, baring in mind it's an hour away on the train, we didn't have a hotel booked as we were planning on travelling home the same day, nor did we have any tickets for the actual gig! Therefore, it's easy to say that these few hours were very very stressful and there was a few tears on my behalf. However, we got there in the end and it was AMAZING! 

Until next time! 

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