Thursday, 5 September 2013

First ever blog

My First Ever Blog! 

Okay, so as you all are aware this is my first ever blog. This means that in a few years, months or maybe even days I will probably look back at this and think 'What a load of rubbish!' as will many of you expert bloggers who are currently reading this. Anyway, my inspiration for blogging began when I became intrigued (or slightly obsessed) in +Louise Pentland and +Zoella Nicole 's blogs and YouTube videos. This was when I thought to myself, 'hey I wanna try that YouTube malarkey' then I began to film some videos and then soon realised that blogs are best suited to me as I quickly became tongue tied under the pressure of having to sound 'cool' or more so actually speak! 

Anyway, my first blog is going to be about the glorious month of September. As you are all aware, unless you have been living under a rock(?) that August has faded away from us and September has rapidly arrived with today being the FIFTH day of the month. As the famous phrase goes 'where does the time fly' but seriously where does it go? It doesn't seem two minutes since I was greedily opening my Easter Eggs or buying Mother's day presents, now it's only 3 month and 20 days until Christmas. Although it's not quite time to panic about buying gifts and party outfits, the days are quickly passing and it will soon be here. So in this blog I am going to give you a bucket list of things I want to do this September and I will then report back on what I was able to complete, whether I am successful or not.

  1. Find a coat that IS affordable (and nice!) - Usually being a student I live for cheap deals, whether this be clothes, makeup, food... the list is endless. Thus meaning that my typical coat is from Primark (not saying that there's anything wrong with the shop). However, when I look back at pictures of myself in the coat I feel as though it looks more like a bin bag than an actual fashion item. 
  2. Find a good beauty regime and stick to it- I am absolotley terrible for not consistently sticking to a skin care regime, the fact that I have awful skin to start with does not help my case. In the past I have struggled to find good products that meet my skin type (for an afforable price). Although, whilst recently browsing my local supermarket's beauty section I found 'Garnier Moisture Match'. They had 4 different types therefore I chose the moisturiser for combination to oily skin. Anyway, even though I have only been using this product a few days I have noticed a great difference in my skin. 
  3. Get involved more- Throughout my childhood and current teenage years I have always been a very shy individual when meeting new people, I always become tongue tied and never know what to make conversation about. However, once I get to know a person I never shut up and will always be seen chatting away. I just wish the struggle to get to this point wasn't so difficult, this is why I am hopefully going to change this. In a few days I am going to start University (understandibly a major milestone in a persons' life) this is why I don't wanna mess up my chances of meeting some really cool people. Therefore, my aim is to start conversation with others and join in activities when given the opportunity. 
Anyway I think I am going to draw this to a close as I am starting to feel as though I am rambling on, therefore, I hope you people who read this actually enjoy it (that's if anyone reads it) "eeeek"
P.S Sorry for the lack of images! 
